Hamdy Ragb
Hamdy Ragb is a Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) consultant with an educational background in the technical skills development of TVET teachers and students. He has over 15 years of practical experience in the field of TVET system reform in both the national and international contexts, including competency-based education and training, e-learning, dual training systems, on-job training, internships, apprenticeships and entrepreneurship.
Dr Ragb has served as a consultant and trainer in international TVET for the EU, ILO and German Development Cooperation (GIZ). He joined TVET Egypt (Support to the Technical and Vocational Education and Training Reform Programme in Egypt - Phase II) in June 2015 as Senior TVET expert.
Dr Ragb holds a PhD in Education Philosophy, focusing on instructional technology, and a Bachelor’s of Technical Teaching and Education.