Marie Mc Andrew
Marie Mc Andrew is an emeritus professor at the Faculty of Education of Université de Montreal and acted as the Rector Special Advisor on Equity, Diversity and Inclusion from 2018 to 2020.
An internationally recognized scholar in the education of minorities and comparative education, she has published numerous books, including Immigration et diversité à l’école: le cas québécois dans une perspective comparative (Immigration and diversity in school: Quebec case in a comparative perspective), which won the Donner Prize in 2001 for the best book on Canadian public policy; and Les majorités fragiles et l’Éducation: Belgique, Catalogne, Irlande du Nord, Québec (Fragile Majorities and Education: Belgium, Catalonia, Northern Ireland, Quebec), for which she was nominated for the Governor General Awards in 2010.
She has received numerous distinctions in recognition of the impacts of her work, including the Order of Canada in 2018 and an Honoris Causa doctorate from Université du Québec in Montreal in 2021.